The Hadrian Enhanced Access Hubs provide appointments for patients registered with 12 practices in West Northumberland. Click here to view all practices.Our sessions run evenings Monday to Friday at Corbridge Health Centre and Saturdays at Hexham, Prudhoe, Bellingham and Haltwhistle. Appointments are available with GPs, Nurses and Healthcare Assistants for a variety of services and can be booked by your GP surgery receptionist or by the NHS111 service when practices are closed (subject to availability). A summary of electronic medical records is available to clinicians who work in the hub so they can access GP Practice consultations, medications and hospital letters. For patients who are seen at the hub the ongoing management of their condition, any blood results, referrals and ongoing prescribing remain the responsibility of the registered practice. A summary of the hub consultation is therefore sent back to the practice to be filed within the GP medical record usually on the following working day. The hub is not a walk-in centre and patients will not be seen without a prior booking – this is to ensure that the medical record is available to the clinician in advance. We now have an online booking facility so that patients can book and cancel directly with the service. To access the online booking facility please use the following booking link: Text messages will be sent on the day prior to your appointment to confirm your booking – showing the location and time and these can be used to cancel appointments by simply replying to the text with the word 'cancel'. Appointments can also be cancelled by staff at your own GP practice.